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 faster than that

Faster THan That CD coverFaster THan That CD cover



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  Faster Than That movt. 1 (guest pianist Andrew Russo)
  Faster Than That movt. 2 (guest pianist Andrew Russo)
  Faster Than That movt. 3 (guest pianist Andrew Russo)
  Everywhere (Marty Walker -bass clarinet, Eric Mellencamp -vibes)
  RPM (guest violinist Todd Reynolds)       RPM 2nd excerpt
  For Tomorrow (cellist Maggie Parkins)
  Levitation Games (guest marimbist Scott Deal)

  Percussion Direct
Groove Note CD cover


  Square Feet (featuring Erik Leckrone, hand drums)
A Groove Note Records release which includes a hi-definition extended version of "Square Feet" on audiophile quality vinyl.

  Level 7 (2002)
Level 7 CD cover


amazon mp3s 


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  What She Saw There (by Evan Ziporyn)
  For Mallets and Strings (by Joseph Koykkar)
  Thirty-Five (by Leslie Hogan)
  Quickly Casual (by HyeKyung Lee)
  Robin Cox Ensemble (2000)
RCE 1 CD cover




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  if dogs only knew
  Reflections on Olivet

sheet music of the ensemble's works may be purchased at www.robincox.net

© 2009 Robin Cox all rights reserved